The North American Tang Soo Do Federation was founded in July of 1992
in Boca Raton, Florida. Its heritage stems from the 9th century when Soo Balk
Do, the ancient form of Tang Soo Do, was practiced in Korea. Tang Soo Do was
founded in 1945 by the renowned Grand Master Hwang Kee who came to the United States
and formed the United States Tang Soo Do Federation. Master Ron Tramontano
tested in the 75 Dan testing and received his Dan rank from Grand Master Hwang Kee.
He formed an extremely
successful West Boca Karate Tang Soo Do studio in Boca Raton, Florida in June of 1986.
Master Tramontano soon founded the North American Tang Soo Do Federation which
now is headquarters in Boca Raton, Florida.
This book has been written for all martial art systems to enjoy. It has long been Master Tramontano's feeling that if a system of self defense
is going to be practical, it must teach the student how to take a person to the
ground. It is equally as important to be able to keep them there until their
intentions are known.
The first chapter of this book will teach the reader eighteen combinations.
The combinations first and foremost teaches the reader how to defend yourself.
Master Tramontano doubts that you
will ever use one of the combinations from the beginning to the end; a real
confrontation will not permit you to react in this exact manner. The combinations
instead, are designed to give you many options. All combinations contain
devastating techniques which include blows and strikes to vital areas, as well
as takedowns to bring your opponent to the ground and restraining techniques to
keep him there. Each combination is also a beautifully
orchestrated demonstration of your ability with a partner. Instructors and
school owners will find this to be of great value. In short, your students
can easily be transformed into a very capable demonstration team.
As instructors of the Martial Arts, we strive to provide students with
confidence in themselves, with the ability to use their personal power,
and to take action when necessary. Master Tramontano has given you some new tools
as well as a new concept. He hopes that you enjoy your new journey towards
Black Belt Excellence.
You can order your copy of Master Tramontano's book by calling
561-482-9049 or by filling out the order form and fax it to us.
Looking for Tang Soo Do Training DVD? Take a look at Master Tramontano's.
North American
Tang Soo Do Federation
TANG SOO DO The Workbook
Click on the book for a
sample of what's inside.
(10 gifs 415KB total)