The Martial Arts Network Guestbook Archive (September 2005)
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Guest : canan
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Hii;
I have visited your site ,its cool.
and i recommned another cool site at below.
İstanbul, İstanbul Turkey - Friday, September 30, 2005 at 18:16:39 pm (EST)
Guest : Brian Smith
How did you find TMAN?: Net Search
Comments: I am thirteen and the martial art i do
lakeland, F.L USA - Friday, September 30, 2005 at 15:07:42 pm (EST)
Guest : carly gracie
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: hello this is carly gracie 9th degree gracie jui-jitsu i am interested in opening schools or teaming up with your company to hold seminars whereever requested,its 70 per student 3 hour seminar and we can both benefit from the proceeds email me back at if you know anyone interested in training
seminole, fl USA - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 at 11:37:10 am (EST)
Guest : Edwin Rivera Jr
How did you find TMAN?: Just lucky, I guess
Comments: thank you.
woodstodk, IL USA - Saturday, September 24, 2005 at 16:29:39 pm (EST)
Guest : women
How did you find TMAN?: Alta Vista
Comments: Excellent site - do keep up the good work.
Monrela, NY USA - Sunday, September 18, 2005 at 16:25:42 pm (EST)
Guest : ssnetwork webmaster resources
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: ssnetwork webmaster resources
new york, ny USA - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 at 06:26:49 am (EST)
Guest : Geo
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Submit your site, add url for free from section "Inscriere" into section "World".We have 899 site's included in 31 categories.
Bucharest, RO USA - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 at 13:58:50 pm (EST)
Guest : Blackjack
How did you find TMAN?: Yahoo!
Comments: This site is really superb!!! Thank you for you work! Good Luck
Rossher, NY USA - Saturday, September 10, 2005 at 11:28:25 am (EST)
Guest : James Whitbread
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I am looking to see if the Canadian Goverment gives out scholarships to canadian Students who have persevered in the Martial arts throughout their formative years and wishes to acknowledge the benefits of Martial Arts training, by offering scholarships to worthy students
Ottawa, ON Canada - Saturday, September 10, 2005 at 00:46:25 am (EST)
Guest : Brian Ough
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Tom Murphy of The Ultimate Fighter 2 is holding mma seminar in 82 main street Oneonta Sept 10 and 11 3-5pm and 6-8pm $25 call 607-434-3593
Edmeston, NY United States - Sunday, September 04, 2005 at 10:00:34 am (EST)
Guest : Owen Johnston
How did you find TMAN?: Net Search
Comments: Nice site!
Lake City, SC USA - Friday, September 02, 2005 at 02:52:39 am (EST)