The Martial Arts Network Guestbook Archive (June 2006)
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Guest : online gambling
How did you find TMAN?: Sweden
Comments: Good site! Please more info and up dates! I add this site to bookmark! Thank you!
gambling, NA Sweden - Friday, June 30, 2006 at 04:43:05 am (EST)
Guest : don isiko
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: this website is wicked. gimme five years and ill learn to do all those skills on the video. can you actually fight so,eone with all those skills
london, lon U.K - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 at 07:49:19 am (EST)
Guest : Sensei Philip C. Newton
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: INTERESTING would like more information on joining
adelaide, South Australia Australia - Monday, June 26, 2006 at 19:20:55 pm (EST)
Guest : Selahattin BIYIKLI
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Selahattin BIYIKLI
Peoplecan always with kinds bothering and attacks. In these situations defense techniques unite with practical intelligence. Also people’s behaviors and soulsmust been thought in these positions. Preventing from bothering and attacks byusing one of the defense sports ( Karate, Taekwondo, Aikido, Kick box atc) Iscalled close defense art.
Theaim of Close Defence Art. In our country and on the world defence is more important in close protection and security which are doing for a sort of time. People who do this job (police, security, Soldier ) are always exposed to kinds of buttering andatackts. In these positions we can see the importance of Close Defence Art
-To improve are of the defense sports for preventing from buttering and attractsand to teach people who do these jobs
-To give theory and tactic lesson to people whosejobs are close protection and security to important their other people.
-Tohelp people who want to carry out this job veil.
To cooperate with other people and foundations in our country and foreign countries for knowledge trade and investigate to be help of improving and wide spreading this art.
Selahattin BIYIKLI
ANKARA, TR TURKEY - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at 09:58:47 am (EST)
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: WHO İS Selahattin BIYIKLI?
He Started doing gymnastic sport in 1971. Up until 1974 gymnastic and judo sport then discoveredTaekwondp in 1974. Between 1976-1984. He was 5 times the Turkish champion inTwekwondo. Then between 1977- 1978. He did Boxing and Taekwondo as asport person of his military service in the land army.
In 1981. HebeganTayboxing and was one of the firstpeople to this sport in the country. In 1981. He was the Kick boxing championinAustriafor81 kg.From 1986 onwards he worked introducing Kick Boxing through out thr country.
He was theEuropean champion for Heavy weight in 1993.Then in 1994. He became professional Kick Box sportsman registered with the Boxing federation as the first president of this sport.
Between1991-1996 He was member os three different sport federation at the same time,(Member of the Technique committee in the Federation of Taekwondo, the press representative for the federation of Karatedo, and a member of the board ans president of the boxing federation.)
In 1995Selahattin Biyikli was selected for Kick Boxing in national team which took himto the Canadian for World Championship. In 1994 he was chosen as presedent ofthe IAF (International All style federation) and was in the technique committee for the WIASKA (World International Sport Kick BoxingAssociation9
In 19998 hewas championship for the American Free Fighting. Between 1994-2002 he organized several tournaments both abrades in-country on an amateurs and professional level. Between 1991-2005 Biyikli went to the united States ofAmericaon 12 occasions and had opportunity tofurther study various martial arts in 2002 he decided to set up Close DefenceArt in country . He did this so that people can become more aware of martial arta, to enable
easier access to knowledge and access to this art. Now Turkey is renounced for their Kick andTayboxing
Selahattin Biyikli continues to be member of the sports federation and is a trainer for the Turkish sports people and he has Trained many international referee as. He ihastrained many sport peopleineuropeand world kevels in Teakwood and Kick Boxing
Currently ones many sports centers all overTurkey actively offering training services in martial arts.
He has asuper black belt and black belt between 1988- 2005, and has introduced martial arts to amateur sport people and wrote sport articles for thepres.
Between1994-2005 he made TV programs for leading EV chanels such as flash TV Kanal6,Işık TV, Baskend TV andOstim TV. Through these channels
How was able to spsred the news about martial arts.
Selahattin Biyikli works Closely with Close Defence Art.
NEWYORK, tNY USA - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at 09:57:35 am (EST)
Guest : Caleb Booher
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I'm a Navy pilot here in Corpus. I hold a 3rd Dan belt in WTF TKD I earned from Cline's TKD in podunk Elizabethton, TN. I took double gold in the TN State Championships 3 years in a row in my division and one year in the NC State Championships. I have always enjoyed practicing and teaching traditional TKD.
Corpus Christi, TX USA - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 at 20:05:09 pm (EST)
Guest : Stoplt
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site !
Brooklin, Brooklin USA - Thursday, June 08, 2006 at 16:12:31 pm (EST)
Guest : ray
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: As i rember what happened one night ivor riddell was watching someone a man doing press-ups,while he was having a laugh on the phone he kept on saying he got a change of heart,untill something happed grum palmer used the four letter word with a punch,ivor riddell calms that he could not take it at his age he told him to stop it, he been looking for revenge to this day they calm before grum palmer hit ivor riddell.A fired up ivor hit,ivor riddell he calms even then by a witness,he could not take it at his age he should of kept his gaurd up never show a sign of weakness learn and study the art of war,be tactful and skillful the main thing is was the punch good did he show the skill has it kept in his mind to this day as a reminder,if not ivor riddell has earned the right to have his say
norwich, n\a U.k - Tuesday, June 06, 2006 at 05:05:25 am (EST)
Guest : Richard Marsden
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Looks as though you have a very active and varied web site.
Keep it going
Tacoma, WA USA - Saturday, June 03, 2006 at 10:23:08 am (EST)
Guest : LAXMI
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: My self LAXMI 2nd Dan Black Belt,Treasurar TANGSOODO FEDERATION OF INDIA - TFI.
If u organise any event plz Post/mail us.
j-92,Vishwakarma Chowk,Krishan Vihar,New Delhi-110086
+91-11-66648889 , 93130-65449
NEW DELHI, New Delhi India - Saturday, June 03, 2006 at 07:01:07 am (EST)
Guest : Master ARUN K.JANGRA
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Im the Founder President TANGSOODO FEDERATION OF INDIA.Our federation had organised 1st to 4th National Tangsoodo Championship till date.Our federation has many states in India.Plz guide me Properly.
J-92,Vishwakarma Chowk,Krishan Vihar,New Delhi-110086,INDIA, DELHI India - Saturday, June 03, 2006 at 06:53:09 am (EST)
Guest : maylin
How did you find TMAN?: Yahoo!
Comments: great way to find studios
everett, PA USA - Thursday, June 01, 2006 at 19:15:21 pm (EST)
Guest : selehattin BIYIKLI
How did you find TMAN?: Yahoo!
Comments: world close defence art organization
selehattin BIYIKLI
selehattin BIYIKLI is founder of World close defenece art
organization This web site has new self defence techniques
selahattin BIYIKLI is 10'th dan of in Close defenece art
ANKARA, tr turkey - Thursday, June 01, 2006 at 12:20:31 pm (EST)