The Martial Arts Network Guestbook Archive (March 2008)
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Guest : Richard
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I have been doing martial arts for 24 years I hold dan ranks in five kinds of arts , and still going.
Phoenix, az USA - Wednesday, March 26, 2008 at 19:43:21 pm (EST)
Guest : Md.Rajib Hossain
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Hi , I am Rajib From BANGALDESH.I visited one site that is butthan site.It is real combat martial art.visite
Rajshahi, Rajshahi BANGLADESH - Saturday, March 22, 2008 at 08:51:44 am (EST)
Guest : David Croley
How did you find TMAN?: Net Search
Comments: cool website I hope I can learn more from this site.
Williamsburg, Ky USA - Sunday, March 16, 2008 at 16:52:58 pm (EST)