The Martial Arts Network Guestbook Archive (December 2005)
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And don't forget these...Two Great New Books The Official Martial Arts Network Book of Self Defense and Tang Soo Do "Workbook" by Master Ron Tramontano (New Releases) with TMAN Cover (Sure to be a collector edition), Look in the Tang Soo Do "Workbook" click here. $23.95 each.
Guest : Adelaide Accademy of Combat and Defense
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Thanks
Adelaide, SA Australia - Friday, December 30, 2005 at 18:35:15 pm (EST)
Guest : Eric Protas
How did you find TMAN?: A link from another martial arts pages
Comments: Interesting site!
Feel free to visit mine...
San Diego Martial Arts
Allied Gardens School of Martial Arts
San Diego, ca USA - Wednesday, December 28, 2005 at 18:24:51 pm (EST)
Guest : Ilene Howard
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I'm looking for a shodokan school. I have had training of a mixture of ju-jitzu, shodokan, and bushido. My master created to style and he retired before i had a chance to finnish. I am on my 4th rank and am very interested in furthering in my training, but i need help to find some one with small groups and locally.
thank you very much,
Ilene Howard
carson, nv USA - Wednesday, December 28, 2005 at 14:47:35 pm (EST)
Guest : Grandmaster William McDonald
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I find your website very detailed. There is so many things to veiw it is hard to decide where to start. I hope that you have success in your venture on connecting the martial art world together.
Grandmaster William McDonald
Dallas / Fort Worth, TX USA - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 at 02:50:59 am (EST)
Guest : Shidoshi Ho Patrick Villines
How did you find TMAN?: Just lucky, I guess
Comments: Thank you for your services
Harrison, AR USA - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 at 12:41:55 pm (EST)
Guest : Levi
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I like your love for martial arts. I've been studying chinese gung fu in the form of Jeet Kune Do (think that Bruce guy?!!) for 15 years. I love martial arts because of how fluent and graceful they are. And to comment on a previous post I absolutely believe the training becomes watered down from generation to generation. Some exceptions apply. Thats what's great about martial arts is their ability to adapt. Martial arts are like the constitution that can be amended and made to fit different patterns and styles from generation to generation.
Yakima, WA USA - Friday, December 16, 2005 at 10:55:41 am (EST)
Guest : Unitsguy
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Does any one know the magnitude of forces generated by martial arts blow of a master (black belt)? I have a website site where I am trying to compile a spectrum of different force for a variety of force genrating mechanisms. Other units-of-measure are put into perspective as well.
Ogden, UT USA - Thursday, December 15, 2005 at 00:21:47 am (EST)
Guest : adam howard
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: hi,i'am a green belt in olympic tkd,i train under master don rouleau.great site!
keene, nh USA - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 at 00:00:03 am (EST)
Guest : Jack Dark
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: TKD Champions
Virginia Beach, VA
Virginia Beach, VA USA - Monday, December 12, 2005 at 17:13:22 pm (EST)
Guest : Pavel
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Good site, i nave one
Farthead, ÍÅ USA - Monday, December 12, 2005 at 10:43:49 am (EST)
Guest : anderson "CYRUS" ward
How did you find TMAN?: Net Search
Comments: im a TKD sure no one's heard of me.but i plan to be at the top, next year!!
CHICAGO, IL USA - Monday, December 12, 2005 at 00:37:34 am (EST)
Guest : moritz
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: i would like to practise muay thai jakarta, indonesia. can´t find a place to do so. any tips/ideas?
jakarta, dki indonesia - Sunday, December 11, 2005 at 08:41:30 am (EST)
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: You are extremely good iwish you could send me a martial arts work book.
Ilove martial arts.
My instructor passed away in a tragic motor accident and iam in now in dilema. He taught me taekwondo/karate for two years.Please i kindly request you to send me a martial arts workbook because i would like to continue with training.
I will be very greatful if my request is put into consideration because i want to climd the martial arts cadre.
Iam twenty one years old and iam currently studyind in university.
My adress is;
Thank you
May the almighty God bless you in everything you do.
KAMPALA, UGANDA UGANDA - Friday, December 09, 2005 at 07:25:26 am (EST)
Guest : Louis Arnold
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Just a fan
cincinnati, oh USA - Wednesday, December 07, 2005 at 00:55:04 am (EST)
Guest : Jon
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Hey,
Just thought I would stop by and mention that I really like the site! Check out ours (it's only a week old) at
bkk, in USA - Monday, December 05, 2005 at 09:05:32 am (EST)
Guest : Jr. Lee Beckford
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Anything i can do to be of service.
Brooklyn, NY USA - Saturday, December 03, 2005 at 04:37:00 am (EST)
Guest : michael
How did you find TMAN?: Yahoo!
Comments: hey guys well im EXTREMLEY intrested in muay thai fighting and i was wondering if theres like a gym or a training camp or somthing neart west covina PLEASE get back to me on this if u have ANY information PLEASE thanks...
WEST COVINA, ca USA - Friday, December 02, 2005 at 16:16:35 pm (EST)
Guest : Jessica Wiggins
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I have a blue belt in PaSaRyu taekwondo. I studied under Rob Winfrey, a second degree black belt.
Somerville, TN USA - Thursday, December 01, 2005 at 13:13:48 pm (EST)