The Martial Arts Network Guestbook Archive (November 2008)
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Guest : jammarlibre
How did you find TMAN?: Webcrawler
Comments: Excellent site - do keep up the good work.t
new, ca Deutschland - Saturday, November 29, 2008 at 22:02:44 pm (EST)
Guest : lhuv
How did you find TMAN?: Webcrawler
Comments: Hi, all. Nice site...I really like your site ! Good job man.y
jork, ca Australia - Saturday, November 29, 2008 at 03:17:52 am (EST)
Guest : Robert
How did you find TMAN?: Webcrawler
Comments: Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site. I have learned a lot from your site. Thanks!!n
jork, ca Deutschland - Friday, November 28, 2008 at 06:31:35 am (EST)
Guest : PhambraXcite International
How did you find TMAN?: A link from another martial arts pages
Comments: PhambraXcite International is a fast growing Mfg CO(pvt)LTD in Pakistan.We are Mfg our Gear with Quality and all export trade organization certified policies.
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Thanks Regards
PhambraXcite International
Sialkot, Punjab PAKISTAN - Monday, November 17, 2008 at 15:50:39 pm (EST)
Guest : sensei steve leggett
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Information on Norwich Karate Association for anyone intrested in starting we train at st albans church hall in norwich on thursdays 5:00pm till 6:15pm for kids 3 pounds for aduilts 4 pounds you will be instructed by renowed karate-ka Sensei Steve Leggett for anyone intrested please contact on:07910767334.
norwich, n\a U.k - Monday, November 17, 2008 at 10:12:09 am (EST)
Guest : Lisa Gibbs
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
austin, tx USA - Thursday, November 13, 2008 at 09:24:28 am (EST)
Guest : Patricia Foscato
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Moving to the capital District and looking for a Soo Bahk Doo MooDuk Kwan School to continue trainging.
Port Washington, NY USA - Monday, November 10, 2008 at 10:33:59 am (EST)
Guest : leahman
How did you find TMAN?: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: i just want to see more about the martial arts
harare, 263 Zimbabwe - Monday, November 10, 2008 at 06:13:36 am (EST)